alcohol and cancer
Research has shown that risks for cancer increase among men who have two alcoholic drinks a day and women who have one alcoholic drink per day.  While everyone has been widely aware of the fact that smoking cigarettes greatly increase your risk of contracting cancer, there has been very little publicity of the fact that alcohol can act as a similar carcinogen.

By its very nature and design, the consumption of alcohol damages cells in your body.  This damage can easily promote cell division, stimulate enzymes which cause the activation of other carcinogens and destroy certain nutrients that act as natural preventatives to cancer.

Most of the research indicates that a strong link exists between alcohol and cancers of the esophagus, pharynx and mouth.  There is a suggested, those less strongly proven, link between cancers of the liver, breast and colon.

According to the American Cancer Society, oral cancers are six times more common in alcohol users than in non alcohol users.
Common Cancer
Obviously, all of this evidence points to the conclusion that you should avoid alcohol so you can lower your chances of contracting these types of cancer.

For most people the question then comes down to a simple decision: are the benefits of drinking alcohol larger than the potential deficits of cancer?  As long as the mythology continues that there is no cure for cancer, the question should be fairly simple to answer.  Very few people would happily enjoy a few nights out with friends drinking for months or years of painful cancer.

Put plainly, our bodies are designed to heal themselves.  Our immune system was created to keep our bodies healthy.  However, like any other worker, our immune system cannot do its work if we don’t give it the necessary tools.

One of the effects of alcohol, which isn’t one of the reasons most folks drink it, is that it reduces the ability of your immune system to do its job.  So, people who regularly drink alcohol are regularly inhibiting the ability of their immune system to do its job.

immune system
Our cells are constantly dividing and there are a large number of ways the cell can become malignant.  In reality, we probably develop malignant cells on a daily basis.  However, once they become known to our immune system as a threat, they are destroyed.

It’s only when our immune system somehow misses the indications that a cell is becoming a problem that we term it cancer.

There is no dispute about the fact that doing anything which will inhibit our immune system increases our chances for becoming ill.  It’s significantly odd, then, that we all continue going about our lives while continually doing things that inhibit our immune systems.
In the end, we all need to evaluate the actions we take and the decisions we make with an eye towards the potential rewards versus the potential risks.  Alcohol diminishes the immune system and a diminished immune system greatly elevates our chances of developing cancer.  Next time you start to drink alcohol, stop and ask your immune system if it really wants to get drunk.

If you want to learn more read the article Get To Know More About Cancer

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We hear everywhere what tattoos are for. Many years ago, they are mainly for spiritual reasons, to ward off evil spirits, to achieve certain powers, to heal a sickness, or to indicate status in a community. Now, they are mainly for self-expression and vanity, although some may still claim to have reasons similar to those of our ancestors, which makes tattoos a lot more interesting.
tattoo artist
We might think that the appearance and design of the tattoo is everything. Well, you might also want to consider that placement of the actual tattoo on your body counts a lot. Let’s say, a star tattoo, when placed on the ankle can come across as sweet and innocent. But when the same star tattoo is placed on the belly, it becomes sensual. And when it is placed on the arm, it portrays you as someone tough, no matter how innocent-looking your star tattoo is.
tattoo placement
However, for some people, the locations of the tattoos on their body, does not have to do with how it would be interpreted by the general public but by how their employers would react to it. Sometimes, tattoos have to be placed in areas where they could easily be concealed.

This applies to professionals whose careers require them to be tattoo-less or those who work in companies wherein visible tattoos are considered to be inappropriate.

For these people, facial tattoos on men are definitely a no-no. For women, it is acceptable if they are there for cosmetic reasons. But in these cases, it is the women that have lesser options for placement of tattoos since men can have a lot of them covered with their clothing. Women cannot have elaborate tattoos on their legs and arms unless they are in men’s suits. However, an inconspicuous tattoo of a tiny fairy or a symbol or a star tattoo would be considered interesting instead of inappropriate.

Tattoo designs
Also, since tattoos are permanent, you have to consider the changes your body would undergo as the years pass. A cute and sexy star tattoo on the belly may not look as good when you either lose or gain weight because, by then, it would be out of symmetry. When you think of a tattoo design, try to see in your mind’s eye how it would look like 10 or more years later on the part of your body you’re thinking of putting it on. The biceps, the back of the shoulder, and the lower back do not stretch nor shrink as much as the rest of our body does. Therefore, these areas would be perfect for tattoo placement; and they’d be easier to conceal.

So, when considering about getting a tattoo, it’s not just about the right size and design. Location matters. Consider what career you’re going to be getting into after college, or how it would look like when you’re old and wrinkly. You can’t just easily erase them when you find out later you put them in the wrong place. To save you a lot of trouble later, make sure you got everything covered.

For more information feel free to read Tattoo Aftercare Tips and The Pros and Cons of Getting A Tattoo